
Taxation of real estate in cases of
Inheriting an apartment and receiving an inherited apartment

Interested in leaving an apartment to your children? There are several important questions that arise in this context, including whether this action involves a tax and what will happen if the inheritor wishes to sell the apartment in the future?

Picture of מאת עו״ד ונוטריון יגאל מור
מאת עו״ד ונוטריון יגאל מור

דיוק בייעוץ המשפטי. מצויינות בליווי המשפטי.

The inheritance of an apartment is not taxable

As Israel does not have an estate tax, receiving an inheritance does not involve paying tax. There is a question arising as to whether the tax authorities will not also obligate the testator or heir to pay the tax on real estate such as an apartment. Generally, the sale of real estate is accompanied by the payment of appreciation tax to the seller and purchase tax to the buyer. According to the real estate taxation law, the inheritance of a right to real estate does not constitute a “transaction” under the law, and therefore it does not entail tax liability for the parties involved. But what about future transactions?

A deferred tax is a tax imposed on a future transaction

Consequently, we see that bequeathing an apartment and receiving an apartment as an inheritance do not constitute transactions under real estate law, and are therefore tax exempt. This does not, however, apply to future transactions relating to the same apartment. This means that if the heir sells the apartment he inherited, he will be subject to capital gains tax. Unless the heir qualifies for one of the appreciation tax exemptions. In light of this, it is in the best interest of the testator to consult an experienced real estate lawyer before bequeathing an apartment, who will evaluate the tax implications for the heirs and recommend the most appropriate course of action in order to save his heirs the burden of paying taxes as well.

Tax Exempt From Appreciation

As discussed above, an heir who wishes to sell an apartment he inherited is not automatically exempt from appreciation tax, since the exemption is granted for the act of inheritance itself and does not apply to future transactions. In many cases, the heir is also exempt from appreciation taxes. Why is this the case? Due to the fact that, among the many options available for exempting inherited residential apartments from appreciation tax, a separate exemption was provided for this purpose. The heir will be able to benefit from this exemption if three conditions are met:

  • The seller is a spouse, a descendant of the testator, or a spouse of a descendant of the testator;
  • It was the testator’s only residence before he died;
  • If the testator were alive and selling the apartment, he would be entitled to exemption from appreciation tax.

Support From a Lawyer is Essential

The taxation of real estate is a complex, professional issue that is subject to change on a regular basis. Hence, it is advisable to coordinate a specific consultation meeting, since no two situations are the same, and many factors can impact the tax liability.

As outlined above, the conditions for receiving an exemption from appreciation tax emphasize the importance of receiving legal advice before inheriting an apartment, in order to carry out effective tax planning. When a testator owns two residential apartments without prior planning, he denies his heirs an exemption from appreciation tax on this ground, since one of the conditions is that the testator owned only one residential apartment at the time of his death. If this situation arises, one solution would be to transfer one of the testator’s apartments to his children while he is alive so that the aforementioned condition can be met. Aside from taxation, the lawyer will also handle the registration of the rights in the tabu, which requires submitting an orderly application and a number of different documents. לאחר שיוודא כי בוצע הרישום כהלכה, ידאג עורך הדין להוצאת נסח טאבו עדכני המעיד על כך כי היורש הנו בעליה של הדירה.

In our office, the planning and construction real estate department specializes in the legal accompaniment of real estate transactions.

You may be interested in planning the transfer of real estate assets as part of your will, or you may have inherited an apartment or other property. We invite you to consult with us on matters related to real estate taxation by way of inheritance.

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